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Reliability Leadership and Manufacturing Change Management

Ensure employee engagement, understanding, and alignment of your team to improve reliability.

The importance of change management in the manufacturing industry cannot be overstated. Effective change management in manufacturing is crucial, from optimizing production processes to implementing new technologies, the challenges are numerous, but the benefits are worthwhile:

  1. Minimizing Disruption: Effective change management ensures that changes, whether in processes, technology, or personnel, are implemented smoothly, minimizing disruptions to production lines and reducing downtime.
  2. Maintaining Quality: Structured change management helps maintain product quality during transitions by ensuring that all modifications are thoroughly tested and validated before full implementation.
  3. Increasing Efficiency: By carefully planning and managing changes, manufacturers can optimize processes, eliminate inefficiencies, and improve overall productivity.
  4. Enhancing Communication: Change management promotes clear communication among all stakeholders, ensuring everyone is aware of the changes, their roles in the process, and the expected outcomes.
  5. Reducing Resistance: By involving employees in the change process and addressing their concerns, change management helps reduce resistance and increase buy-in, which is essential for successful implementation.
  6. Managing Risks: Structured change management allows for the identification and mitigation of potential risks associated with changes, helping to prevent costly mistakes and ensuring a smoother transition.
  7. Ensuring Compliance: In industries with strict regulatory requirements, change management ensures that all modifications comply with relevant standards and regulations, avoiding legal and financial penalties.
  8. Improving Adaptability: A robust change management process enhances an organization's ability to adapt to market shifts, technological advancements, and other external factors, maintaining competitiveness.
  9. Facilitating Continuous Improvement: Change management supports a culture of continuous improvement by providing a framework for evaluating the effectiveness of changes and making ongoing adjustments for better performance.

Allied Reliability’s approach to change management is a personalized approach to executing fundamental elements required for successful change management. Participants in the process can expect to receive training, direction, and feedback to develop or improve the use of effective change management techniques and tools. Utilizing best practice change management methodology has proven to significantly increase ROI for performance improvement initiatives requiring behavior changes relating to an organization’s culture.

Reliability System Review

Figuring out where you stand – and identifying where you can improve – is the first step in any successful transformation. Allied Reliability’s Reliability System Review can help by showing you what to focus on to gain the highest return for your investments and create impactful changes across the board.

Achieve success by aligning your organization to a common reliability vision, identifying areas to optimize efficiency and effectiveness, educating your team on reliability best practices, developing a detailed plan to close the gaps, and building both an opportunity case and a business case for ROI.

During the Reliability System Review, Allied analyzes your production performance data, maintenance work practices, and current maintenance and reliability culture, then provides formal feedback on where your biggest gaps and most significant opportunities exist. In addition to a full report of the findings, your team will have a business case for change that maps out the financial impact of uncovering the hidden potential in your asset base to help you realize a higher return and a detailed roadmap that will close the gaps identified during the review, along with an effective communication plan for the governance structure and a list of performance metrics to measure the success of your reliability transformation.

Request a Reliability System Review

Sustained Reliable Operations

Our systematic approach to implementing change management begins with developing a high level of awareness and understanding of reliability concepts with leadership and moves through all levels of your organization to ensure your employees become effectively engaged and take ownership of the assets’ health and performance.

Allied Reliability provides on-site project management and process improvement training, coaching, and facilitation based on your specific needs, timing, and budget for your reliability transformation. When doing so, Allied Reliability provides critical support during improvement program implementation, including the following:

  • Building a business case for change
  • Selecting Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and developing benefit-tracking systems
  • Ensuring correct selection and application of tools
  • Driving your reliability transformation forward
  • Developing your implementation team through Learn-Do or training and coaching your workforce
  • Teaching and coaching reliability leaders, asset managers, and others throughout your reliability transformation to help them understand the process changes and their changing roles

Reliable Maintenance Execution

We work side-by-side with your maintenance manager and crew to improve the entire maintenance work cycle and the processes that support it. Allied Reliability helps your organization clearly understand and improve maintenance performance and streamline, agree to, document, and institutionalize your company’s best practices, resulting in bottom-line cost reduction and higher equipment utilization.

Reliable maintenance execution requires the creation/improvement of the following elements:

  • Strategy Development: The analysis of predominant failure modes and their effects, which leads to the development and assignment of proactive inspections such as preventive maintenance (PM), condition monitoring, and predictive maintenance (PdM) tasks as countermeasures.
  • The Maintenance Work Cycle: The identification, prioritization, planning, scheduling, preparation, execution, and reporting of maintenance tasks, as well as the assessment of maintenance task performance and equipment history.
  • Work Measurement and Execution: The cost-efficient and effective performance of maintenance tasks with people having the right skills and following maintenance standard work.
  • Maintenance, Repair, and Operations (MRO) Materials Management: The determination of quantities of spares, storeroom management, vendor management, and repair specifications.
  • Lubrication Management: The identification, consolidation, labeling, and storage of lubricants.
maintenance strategies

Manufacturing Excellence

Manufacturing a product as cost-effectively as possible is a primary goal for most manufacturers. Since issues on the production line can raise costs and significantly reduce revenue, it is crucial to address problems efficiently.

Many organizations that lack the required agility in their manufacturing process resort to building large warehouses full of finished goods in anticipation of future customer demand. This agility is achieved by reducing sources of variation, which is best accomplished through an appropriate combination of the following techniques (and in this logical order):

  • 5S
  • Standard Work
  • Centerlining
  • Quick Changeover (SMED)

More than a consulting exercise, the Manufacturing Excellence consulting engagement allows for the immediate application of the lessons learned with a corresponding immediate return on the effort.

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