Reliability Training Courses

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Whether you're just starting or need to fine-tune an existing skill, our maintenance and reliability training courses can help you reach your goals. Our experienced training instructors are here to provide the training you need so you can stay ahead.

Not only will you get the latest insights from instructors who work in the field, our partnership with the University of Tennessee’s Reliability and Maintainability Center (RMC) means you can earn continuing education credits that you can use for maintenance and reliability roles at any company.

To give you more flexibility, we offer virtual delivery options for select courses. You can attend a public class from your home or office or set up a private class with co-workers across multiple sites.

If you need your manager’s approval for training, our Sample Business Case Letter may help.

Basic Reciprocating Compressor Analysis
This course introduces knowledge of compressor design and applications. Topics covered include valve design, clearance, capacity control, compressor component, performance, and vibration measurement.
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Leading Reliability Improvement
This course teaches the strategies required for leading asset reliability improvement initiatives to attain a higher likelihood of success and deliver sustainable productivity. The approach uses lectures, exercises, and group discussion.
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Planning and Scheduling Fundamentals
This course, paired with the Outage! experience, teaches maintenance planning and scheduling best practices to more efficiently use maintenance labor and reduce time to effectively plan work, as well as proven methods for backlog management and work prioritization.
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Reliability Fundamentals
This course is designed to teach the principles of improving asset management and maintenance decision making using proven reliability engineering principles.
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Condition Monitoring Fundamentals
This course is designed to teach the fundamental principles of the five predictive technologies most prevalent in the industry today: vibration analysis, infrared thermography, airborne and structure-borne ultrasonics, oil analysis, and motor circuit analysis
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Shutdown, Turnaround, Outage (STO)
Shutdowns, Turnarounds, and Outages (STO) represent a significant but necessary disruption in your normal business process. With proper management, these events can be leveraged to provide a measurable strategic advantage to your organization.
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Advanced Reciprocating Compressor Analysis
This course provides a deeper dive into the applications of reciprocating compressor analysis data.
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Vibration Analyst, Intermediate - Category II
Learn to be an effective vibration analyst - capable of diagnosing a wide range of faults, conducting special tests, and performing precision aligning and balancing machinery - with advanced 3D animations and interactive simulations that make everything easy to understand.
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Intermediate Planning & Scheduling
This course provides the tools to build effective, repeatable procedures for PMs, job plans, lubrication procedures, operator checklists, and operational procedures.
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Root Cause Analysis Training
This workshop solves plant equipment problems as you learn facilitation skills for an effective Root Cause Analysis (RCA).
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Vibration Analyst, Senior - Category III
Learn to be an effective vibration leader and master analyst - capable of managing the condition monitoring program, diagnosing the widest range of fault conditions, and verifying and correcting resonance problems.
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Reliability Engineer (ARP-E)
This course is the best way to master reliability engineering. You will learn a broad range of essential topics.
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Vibration Analyst, Junior - Category I
Learn to be an effective vibration technician—capable of collecting quality data, and performing basic analysis and data validation—with advanced 3D animations and interactive simulations that make everything easy to understand.
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Reliability Program Leader (ARP-L)
Success in reliability leadership comes from understanding the value of the program (and communicating that value), having a detailed strategy, and engaging with the entire organization so everyone is pulling in the same direction.
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Ultrasound Analysis - Category I
Learn to be a confident and effective ultrasound technician - capable of diagnosing faults, detecting costly steam and air leaks, and precision lubricating bearings.
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Reliability Advocate (ARP-A)
Whether you are new to reliability improvement, or you are a manager thinking of starting an initiative, ARP-A is the best way to begin the reliability journey
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Developing Effective Work Procedures
Learn to drive consistency in the execution and results of work procedures.
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infrared testing and inspection
Infrared Thermography - Category I
Gain the knowledge and a good understanding of the fundamentals of infrared thermography.
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Field Lubricant Analysis - Category I
Learn the skills to implement best-in-class lubrication practices, manage lubricant delivery, and maintain machinery health across various industrial equipment.
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Reliability Centered Lubrication and Lubricant Analysis
Learn the principles behind lubricant selection, application, analysis, and storage to support equipment performance.
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